My Babies Episode 4
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Babies Episode 4 Or Chapter Four Or Part 4 Of My Babies Story or Novels To Read with Siri.”
????β???? My Babies Episode Four ????????:
β¨ Semi Final Episode β¨
I felt a soft touch
Opened my eyes, and I saw my mum
Are you giving up already??
What of your kids??
They killed Kelly I said c**rying
And Nelly??
You don’t want her no more??
You don’t want to fight for her??
Have you forgotten how you carried her for months??
You want to die just like his first wife??
You want them to continue this evil, atrocious and bar**baric act??
You can do this…
I know you can!!
I can’t…
I lost an eye already, lost a daughter… What am I living for??
she’s all you’ve got now
That baby deserves to live
It’s a pity she was fathered by a m*ons”ter
I can’t do it alone…
You can my daughter
You can do it
I want your daughter to be proud of you someday
Make them pay for killing Kelly
Open your eyes you stubborn woman
Enough of the sleep, it’s time to get back to business ken said
So, mum is not here… It was all in my head
I know I saw my mum I said am*idst te**ars
All what my mum said in my unconscious state came playing in my head
I suddenly felt so strong
I was no longer scared… I was ready to face Ken and his mother to get my child
His mum brought out a morter and pestle, put Kelly’s body and started pounding, while ken was going round her saying some incarnati*ons
Oh my God!!
I started throwing up… What kind of humans are these??
Yet again, I felt defeated!!!
I was c**rying like a baby
Did you not give her the food??
Why is she throwing up?? His mother said looking at me with so much an**ger
Ken started stammering.. I wanted to, but she was unconscious
Go give her the food
He brought something that looks like a human heart
He started cutting it into pieces…
He asked me to pick them and eat….
I refused!!!.
He kept hitting and slapping me without mercy, but I still refused
He dropped the knife to force me…
Immediately he dropped the knife, I picked it and stabbe*d him on the leg
He let out a loud c**ry
I was scared of killi*ng him, that was why I opted for his leg
I hope I don’t regret not kil**lin*g him now I said under my breath
He was gro**aning in pains…
I know mama would be easy to get ri*d of, so I walked to her fuming
She was visibly sca**red!!
I collected the pestl*e from her,and hit ken who was already in so much pai*ns
He pas**sed out..
I quickly picked my child and ran out to get my phone
I was soaked in blood from the injury on my eye
Where is my phone??
Where is the fecking phone I said c**rying
The car…. Yes, I left it there
I ran to the car, picked my phone and dialed Ella’s number
Pick your call Ella
Pick your call please
She wasn’t picking…
I called again,
Hello Ella I need your he..l.
I felt a sharp pain on my head
I turned and saw ken and his mother smiling
He hit me with same pestle I used on him….
Mama collected Nelly
Ken started dragging me back to the house
I was we**ak, couldn’t shout nor free myself
Oga!! Oga!!
I heard our gateman call out to him
Thank God, I said we**akly… Help has finally come I whispered
Yes?? You never see husband and wife wey they fi**ght before ken asked him
Sorry Sir, he said and stood there watching
Sorry for yourself
That was how he dra*”gg**ed me back to the house
You want to kee me right, he asked holding my head so tight
He stabbed me on the leg relentlessly again and again and was laughing… He was acting m**ad
His mother had to stop him
I was lying there almost de**ad
I couldn’t help myself anymore
That was it!!
It is all over
They WON again!!!
Give me my child let me hold just once before I d*ie, I said c**rying
No… Die a painful de*ath mama said
Nelly was crying…
I closed my ears because it was tormenting me …
I am helpless baby
I am meant to protect you, but I am a wic**ked mother
I couldn’t save your sister and now you…
I was in so much pa*ins
Father, forgive me of all my sins and welcome me to your kingdom
I said my last prayers on earth and waited for the worst
Take her back to the room mama instructed..
Ken started dragging me back to the room then we heard a knock on the door…
Who could it be??
I am sure it is that foolish gateman, ken said angril**y
He walked to the door, opened and was sho**cked!!
I shouted at the top of my voice
Miracles still happen
I wanted running to go meet her, but I was seriously inju**red
I saw the sho**ck on Ella’s face seeing me in such a condition
Don’t go close to her, ken said
He started crying…
I don’t know what happened to my wife
She woke up this morning and started hurting herself
I tried stopping her, but she stabbed me on the leg
No, no!!!
It’s not true, they are e*vil
They want to kee me and my children…
I mean, they already killed Kelly…
Go to the room and check what they did??
I was shouting at the top of my voice
Mama also started crying too….
I don’t know what happened to your Friend
she said also faking a c*ry
She kille**d her other daughter, we had to forcefully collect Nelly
I noticed the fear on Ella’s face
She started c**rying…
She was scared to come close to me
Let me go get my stuffs, so I can come stay with my Friend…
She’s the only friend I’ve got and I don’t want anything to happen to her she said c**rying
Ella, don’t go please, they will kee me if you do
Believe me, I am not m**ad!!
She turned, why not take her to the hospital??
Will she insist they take me to the hospital??
To be continued…